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TUCSON MASSACRE - Communists blame shooting on tea party

Also finger corporations, GOP, immigration laws, Sarah Palin

January 13, 2011

By Aaron Klein - © 2011 WorldNetDaily

The tea party movement, immigration laws, the Republican Party, corporations and Sarah Palin are to blame for last weekend's deadly shooting in Arizona, according to the Communist Party USA.

Just one day after Saturday's shooting rampage, the CPUSA specifically fingered "the extreme right-wing tea party movement and their anti-government rantings and ravings" for helping to create "an atmosphere that allowed or even encouraged this attack."

In an article on the groups website, the nation's largest communist organization admitted that "we do not yet know the motivation of the crime."

Still, the CPUSA blamed "the political leadership of Arizona and the Republican Party, who have fomented laws and policies that logically lead to violence."

The radical group also targeted recent Arizona legislation requiring documentation for aliens and what it said was the "banning" of "ethnic studies" in the state as possible motivations for the suspected shooter, Jared Lee Loughner.

The CPUSA also pointed an accusatory finger at former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for featuring Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' district in the cross hairs of a target.

The group also claimed in the hours after the shooting that some "right wing elements" created fake social networking pages in order to "associate Loughner with the Left."

WND was the first to report Caitie Parker, who went to high school, college and was in a band with the gunman, labeled Loughner as "quite liberal" and "more left" on her Twitter account.

In her Twitter postings, Parker wrote of Loughner, "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."

She also described him as "more left." Another high school friend of Loughner's, Zach Osler, told ABC News today Loughner did not follow the news or listen to political radio.

"He did not watch TV," said Osler. "He disliked the news. "He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn't on the left. He wasn't on the right."

Read more: Communists blame shooting on tea party


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