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Organizacion Autentica


by Marcelo Fernandez-Zayas

Cuba declassified some documents recently that suggest that Castro knew the place of the invasion at the Bay of Pigs in 1961. These documents do not contribute anything new to the historical record. Castro expected an invasion somewhere on the south shore of the island and another attack in the north, close to Havana.

He expected the number of invaders to be close to 5,000, and believed that the assault at the Bay of Pigs was a diversion. While it is true that Castro's spies had correctly reported training activity in Guatemala, it is not known how accurate the information was. Judging from Castro's slow reaction to the invasion, we have to assume that he did not know in advance where the main invasion would take place.


Marcelo Fernandez-Zayas


Cuba, España y los Estados Unidos | Organización Auténtica | Política Exterior de la O/A | Temas Auténticos | Líderes Auténticos | Figuras del Autenticismo | Símbolos de la Patria | Nuestros Próceres | Martirologio |

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Organización Auténtica